Are all prices listed including VAT?
Yes they are.
What is an ISBN (EAN) and why should I use it?
ISBN is a unique identifier mostly found on the back of titles (basically it's a barcode). For us, it represents a code that helps us determine exactly which title you are interested in. If you know it, please mention it in each of your questions. For example, if you were to call us saying that you are interested in the New Headway book, we would offer you a choice of 4 editions that have a total of 6 levels and approximately 10 different components (textbook, workbook, teacher's methodology, etc.), this represents up to 288 different titles. It is on this example that you can see how important it is to know the relevant ISBN :-)
Do you ship books abroad?
Unfortunately, we do not ship because we mainly focus on importing foreign books to the Czech Republic. In the case of the Slovak Republic, however, we have good news for you, because our friendly company operates hereMegabooks SK. and it will provide you with the same quality service as we do.
Do you have a minimum order amount?
No, it's up to you whether you buy one book or a whole bunch of books. We know from experience that shopping on the Internet is "safer". We usually buy much more in a brick-and-mortar store. :-)
Does the delivery date shown on the book mean the date I will actually receive the book?
Yes, in the vast majority of cases it is the day when the courier rings your doorbell and hands you the order. However, there are also many factors that we cannot influence when importing and distributing books from abroad - strikes, blockades, unpredictable weather, accidents and also (most often) the factor of human error, which cannot be 100% eliminated. In the catalog of English literature alone, we do business with approximately 30,000 suppliers, which is 30,000 chances for error. Therefore, we ask for your indulgence. Trust us that we do everything to ensure that you receive your order on time and are satisfied.
If I order multiple titles with different delivery times, will you send them one at a time or at once?
The common and at the same time the most economical procedure is that as soon as we have stocked all the titles from your order, we will ship them immediately. However, some customers look forward to their books so much that they are willing to pay extra for the shipping of individual titles. If you are one of these passionate readers, please contact us by email at info@megabooks.cz or at the number 272 123 190.
Is there a charge for personal subscription?
No way. We are happy to see you and look forward to your visit. After all, you don't collect money from the visit at home either :-)
Can you really get any book?
If you have not chosen from our catalog, which contains around 8.5 million titles and is one of the largest book catalogs in Europe, then we have good news for you - yes, we are able to procure a title that is not in our offer. But it all depends on the availability of the title. For example, if it is "out of print/disassembled", we will offer you a replacement edition.
And what about such exotic languages? Swahili, Greenlandic, Twi language,… Can you get it too?
Our catalog is really big. So big that you'll even find these exotic languages there that we didn't even know existed.
What does it mean when a title has the status "out of print/dismantled"? Is it still available?
These titles can no longer be found or ordered. In some cases, however, there are replacement editions, for example an updated edition, which we will of course inform you about in the title. For better clarity, we do not include them in the normal search results, and you can only find them by using the ISBN code search.
Why don't you sort the search results alphabetically?
We display the search results according to the algorithm of the most relevant titles depending on, for example, the type of customer, the most popular and best-selling titles, etc. Without its help, you would get dizzy from searching 8.5+ million titles :-)
What does it mean when a title has a "reprint" status and when will it be available again?
A reprint means that a title has been so successful that all supplies have been sold out and more are needed. Some publishers know the exact date of availability, in which case we will display it as well. If we do not know the date, we indicate the status "We do not know the reprint date, delivery date unknown". In both cases, however, you can order the given title and we will deliver it to you as soon as it is available. It is necessary to take into account that it can unfortunately take up to several months.
Why can't you influence the reprint date? Do I really have to wait several months for a reprint in extreme cases?
Trust us, we'd love to speed up the wait, but we're not a publisher, just a distributor.
I need to edit the order, but I can't edit it anymore. What should I do?
In this case, contact us immediately via emaileshop@megabooks.czor on the phone number 226 220 816 and we will be very happy to help you.
What discounts do you provide?
Depending on the type of customer, we provide several types of discounts. Our end customers automatically get a 10% discount. In addition to the 10% discount, schools and teachers can also use our loyalty program MEGA for Schools. Academic institutions that implement the procurement of new degrees through formal tenders can contact the head of our academic division with questions. As part of a normal purchase, outside of tenders, we of course guarantee at least a 10% discount. Booksellers enter into a contractual relationship with us, on the basis of which we provide them with discounts according to the valid business terms and conditions.
What is the difference between a gift voucher and a discount coupon?
Gift vouchers can be purchased in our brick-and-mortar bookstores in Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Olomouc, Pilsen and Hradec Králové, where you can also redeem them. This voucher cannot be redeemed at the e-shop. Discount coupons are promo codes that you can get, for example, during special events and with their use you can get, for example, free shipping, a discount on specific titles, etc. These online codes are not for sale.
Does the delivery date shown on the book mean the date I will actually receive the book?
Yes, in the vast majority of cases it is the day when the courier rings your doorbell and hands you the order. However, there are also many factors that we cannot influence when importing and distributing books from abroad - strikes, blockades, unpredictable weather, accidents and also (most often) the factor of human error, which cannot be 100% eliminated. In the catalog of English literature alone, we do business with approximately 30,000 suppliers, which is 30,000 chances for error. Therefore, we ask for your indulgence. Trust us that we do everything to ensure that you receive your order on time and are satisfied.
I registered, but for some reason I can't log in. Help!
Don't despair, contact us by email info@megabooks.cz , and we will immediately help you with this inconvenience.