Death To The French

Death To The French

Forester, C. S.
EAN: 9781780226958
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A stand-alone novel that inspired Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe seriesIt is 1810, and the last French invasion of Portugal has penned Wellington's army behind the river Tagus with their backs to the sea.Separated from his regiment, Rifleman Dodd of the Ninety-Fifth stumbles on a band of undisciplined Portuguese guerrillas. With rough inventiveness he transforms this ramshackle group into an organised fighting force, continually harrying the infuriated enemy as he battles his way back to his own lines.Written by the author of the Hornblower series, DEATH TO THE FRENCH is a classic novel of the Peninsular War, and was the inspiration for Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe books.
EAN 9781780226958
ISBN 1780226950
Typ produktu Ebook
Vydavatel Orion
Datum vydání 17. října 2013
Jazyk English
Země Uruguay
Autoři Forester, C. S.