

Lucas, Bill
Crown House Publishing
EAN: 9781845903596
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We have reached a turning point in our development as a species. In the coming decades we face significant global challenges in terms of climate change, biodiversity, food and water resources and violent extremism. At the local level, these seem like crazy times, with the speed of change accelerating faster than ever. In rEvolution, best-selling author Bill Lucas suggests some of the ways we can all succeed in today's complex world. 150 years after Charles Darwin invented the concept of natural selection, Bill argues that the rules of evolution are changing. To thrive in our current crazy world we need a new kind of &quote;mind-ware&quote;. Specifically we need to develop our adaptive intelligence. Drawing on new and emerging sciences and using approaches previously applied in other domains, this book describes some of the practical steps you can take at home, at school, in the workplace and in the wider community to ensure that you can constantly adapt to new circumstances. Bill's analysis, optimism and suggestions for practical learning make this an essential addition to the book shelf of all thoughtful questioning members of the species!
EAN 9781845903596
ISBN 1845903595
Typ produktu Ebook
Vydavatel Crown House Publishing
Datum vydání 23. října 2009
Jazyk English
Země Uruguay
Autoři Lucas, Bill