Dream Catcher

Dream Catcher

Remaley, Allen R.
EAN: 9781665511544
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Every so often, one picks up and treasures a lucky charm, a talisman which, for the holder, works a magic spell. Neither science, common sense nor religious conviction deters that person from sticking to the notion that the trinket they possess might have some inexplicable power. The Dream Catcher is a story about a young, attractive, combat-trained hospital nurse who, while looking for love, receives a gift from an old American Indian seller of jewelry and relics. The gift, she is told, can bring about healing in a very mysterious way. Rachel Collins, the nurse, can blow you a kiss and say, &quote;Sweet dreams!&quote; If you have been good, wonders can take place. If you have been bad, a different blend of the medicine could result in a nightmare.
EAN 9781665511544
ISBN 1665511540
Typ produktu Ebook
Vydavatel AuthorHouse
Datum vydání 22. prosince 2020
Stránky 146
Jazyk English
Země Uruguay
Autoři Remaley, Allen R.