

Radcliffe, Ann
Saga Egmont
EAN: 9788726615210
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Ever wondered how the quintessential bully acted during the Holy Inquisition? Look no further.In her unnerving gothic novel &quote;The Italian&quote; (1797), Ann Radcliffe explores individuality in a culture dominated by the church as the happiness of the young couple Vicento di Vivaldi and Ellena di Rosalbe is thwarted by the evil ways of the selfish and peremptory Father Schedoni.The last novel to be published during Radcliffe's lifetime, this fast-paced gothic novel is packed with romantic rendezvous, nocturnal danger, kidnappings, murder, and mysterious characters lurking in the shadows. Hidden away in this sublime novel of concealment and disguise is an undying and triumphant light that emanates from the hearts of Vicento and Ellena who are sure of one thing: no one is above the law - not even the church.-
EAN 9788726615210
ISBN 8726615215
Typ produktu Ebook
Vydavatel Saga Egmont
Datum vydání 7. září 2021
Jazyk English
Země Uruguay
Autoři Radcliffe, Ann