Suit Preference

Suit Preference

MD, James Marsh Sternberg
EAN: 9781665561730
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SUIT PREFERENCE SIGNALSIf there was ever an area in bridge that resembles walking thru a mine field this is it. No topic causes more confusion and arguments than suit preference signals. &quote;Partner, I played a deuce. Why didn't you switch to a club?&quote; is heard everywhere all the time. Most signals in bridge are attitude and some are count. At the end of the line are suit preference signals. And yet, they can be found in the most unusual and useful opportunities, often overlooked. The authors here thru the use of many deals explain the do's and don'ts of suit preference signals. The history of suit preference and it's present methods are clearly explained. After reading this book with your partner, your defensive signaling will improve so you will be able to traverse the minefields unafraid, and put fear into your opponent's, defeating contracts that others are making.
EAN 9781665561730
ISBN 1665561734
Typ produktu Ebook
Vydavatel AuthorHouse
Datum vydání 16. června 2022
Stránky 138
Jazyk English
Země Uruguay
Autoři Kleinman, Danny; MD, James Marsh Sternberg