

Radvanyi, Jean
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
EAN: 9781538174791
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Thirty years after the end of the Soviet Union, multiple ghosts haunt Russia, its elites, and its society, from concern over demographic and economic decline to worry about the country's vulnerability to external intervention, reviving the old notion of Russia as a ';besieged fortress.' Faced with both a West that emerged victorious from the Cold War and a shockingly dynamic China, Russia constantly questions its identity and the notion that its fate is to bridge East and West. This book offers a comprehensive overview of Russia's fears and challenges that could help the American public to understand how the country deals with its own issues and how this influences Russia's foreign policy, including the ongoing war in Ukraine. This is critical to understanding Russia's international stance and its impact on US policy and security.
EAN 9781538174791
ISBN 1538174790
Typ produktu Ebook
Vydavatel Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Datum vydání 27. července 2023
Jazyk English
Země Uruguay
Autoři Laruelle, Marlene; Radvanyi, Jean