Heusinger of the Fourth Reich

Heusinger of the Fourth Reich

Allen, Charles R.
Braunfell Books
EAN: 9781805230335
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&quote;Within a year after Potsdam, this mighty Agreement was given its funeral by the then Secretary of State, Mr. James Byrnes, in his Stuttgart speech. Mr. Churchill, with President Truman at his side, adumbrated the ultimate reversal of our German policy in his Fulton speech which formally started the Cold War. A speech by Herbert Hoover to a small group of Germans whom I had assembled in Stuttgart in January 1947 was also significant: he told them that the U.S. expected their support in the coming struggle with &quote;the atheistic barbarians of the East.&quote;Looking back on this reversal of policy, it seems to me that the Power Elite's major problem was to propagandize our people to accept German remilitarization in the defense of &quote;freedom.&quote; Heusinger of the Fourth Reich brilliantly traces step-by-step, with a scholarly documentation which cannot for a moment be challenged, how the American Power Elite has helped this criminal conspiracy, the German General Staff, to return to power with the largest, most powerful military machine in Europe today: the aggressive, Nazi-oriented and Nazi-commanded West German military establishment.Through this book, the author, Charles R. Allen, Jr., a gifted young political analyst, completely demolishes the official United States myth that the General Staff was something separate and different from Hitler's murderous Reich; that it was a non-political, purely professional group innocently carrying out its sworn duty to serve the German people and der Fuhrer because the General Staff's oath was taken &quote;under God.&quote; What blasphemy!&quote;-Introduction
EAN 9781805230335
ISBN 1805230336
Typ produktu Ebook
Vydavatel Braunfell Books
Datum vydání 27. ledna 2023
Jazyk English
Země Uruguay