Do Humankind's Best Days Lie Ahead?

Do Humankind's Best Days Lie Ahead?

Pinker, Steven
Oneworld Publications
EAN: 9781786070777
Available online
CZK 273

Detailed information

';It's just a brute fact that we don't throw virgins into volcanoes any more. We don't execute people for shoplifting a cabbage. And we used to.' Steven Pinker ';The idea that because things have gotten better in the past they will continue to do so in the future is a fallacy I would have thought confined to the lower reaches of Wall Street.' Malcolm Gladwell In a world driven by technology and globalization, is humanity approaching a Golden Age or is the notion of progress a Western delusion? Four of the world's most renowned thinkers take on one of the biggest debates of the modern era
EAN 9781786070777
ISBN 1786070774
Binding Ebook
Publisher Oneworld Publications
Publication date November 3, 2016
Pages 128
Language English
Country Uruguay
Authors Botton, Alain de; Gladwell, Malcolm; Pinker, Steven; Ridley, Matt