Search for a Second Suit

Search for a Second Suit

MD, James Marsh Sternberg
EAN: 9781665546232
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Becoming a good declarer starts with some basic principles. All the books tell you the same thing; before playing to Trick 1, think and form a plan. But what should you think about? Players often look at a deal and see a new mystery, a complex problem. They become overwhelmed. Of all the ways of winning tricks, cashing high cards and taking finesses are easiest. But establishing a long suit requires effort and care. To set up intermediate cards, lose tricks you cannot avoid losing. The most common type of deal is a second suit. This book will focus entirely on variations of second suit type deals. It is divided into chapters, including one on defense, but there is some overlap. I show all four hands for convenience, but try covering the hands except dummy's and your own until you have played the deal through mentally.
EAN 9781665546232
ISBN 1665546239
Binding Ebook
Publisher AuthorHouse
Publication date December 3, 2021
Pages 198
Language English
Country Uruguay
Authors Kleinman, Danny; MD, James Marsh Sternberg